
From a small factory tinsmith to an international company

It all began shortly after the Second World War, when the hope of peace and economic recovery could be felt everywhere. This also applied to the young master tinsmith Gustav Kull, who, after 1000 days of active service in the Swiss army, fulfilled his own dream with a small building tinsmith's workshop in Zurich's Kreis 3 district, where he produced innovative civil defense components and advanced ventilation systems. A good idea, as it soon turned out. Today, 75 years and many innovations later, Lunor is still located and producing in Zurich. And what started out as a simple, small factory plumber's workshop has grown into a modern, sustainable company with an international reputation.

Thanks to many years of experience with ventilation technology and the realization that moist air condenses on cold surfaces, Lunor soon developed the first dehumidification systems. Guided by the idea of enabling environmentally friendly dehumidification, the family-owned company launched durable and energy-saving room air dryers onto the market. The energy savings with heat pump technology were so significant that energy savings of 50% compared to tumble dryers were already possible in 1984. No wonder, then, that the first Lunor room air tumble dryers were awarded the A1 energy efficiency rating as early as 1998.

A lot has happened since then. And nowadays, good energy efficiency during operation is definitely no longer enough. Rather, the grey energy for production and transportation must be taken into account when purchasing a product. Lunor therefore develops and produces its complex and innovative dehumidification systems exclusively in Switzerland and is committed to the shortest possible transportation routes and high recyclability of the components used. For the world. For you. And for your children. And for your children's children.